Orange Peels vs. Sponge

I was scrolling Instagram last week and I came across this hack on zerowaste.japan Instagram page. She claimed you can use orange peels in place of a sponge on your dishes. So, I decided to try out this hack!
So to the outcome……it didn’t really work. I tried scrubbing the dishes with both sides, the inside and outside of the peel. The inside worked better to loosen the food. I wouldn’t recommend this hack to clean dishes if you are only hand washing them. However, if you are rinsing food off just to put it in the dishwasher then this hack would work!
Along with the dishes, I also tried to use the orange peels to clean my stove top. The peels worked to clean off the light layer of grease and a few food stains, with the added bonus of smelling great! But…the peels didn’t take off the more stuck on stains. Once again, I would recommend using a sponge or washcloth instead!
This eco-friendly hack didn’t work so well but I have seen other hacks for leftover orange peels. My favorite is to put them down the garbage disposal to remove gross smells. A couple other hacks I’ve seen are to create a citrus cleaner or make candied orange peels.
So my decision……I won’t be using orange peels in place of a sponge or scrub brush. I’m just going to keep trying other hacks for orange peels until I find one that I like!
Also, definitely check out zerowaste.japan Instagram page!! She has a ton of great eco-hacks that are innovative and creative!