I moved!

Hello everyone! I’m so excited to share that I have finally moved to Homestead, Florida! I am starting my job as an Invasive Reptile Research Intern with USGS in partnership with the University of Florida! I have been looking forward to starting this job since February of this year. The original plan was to begin at the beginning of April. As everyone knows, this pandemic derailed almost everyone’s plans and the April start date kept getting pushed back (with good reason). Eventually it became an end of July/early August start date. So now, here I am!
For the job duties, I will be helping with various research projects regarding Burmese Pythons and Argentine Black and White Tegus, both extremely invasive reptiles in South Florida. I will be working out of Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve, both beautiful parks with some of Florida’s most incredible ecosystems. I’m excited to see what kind of projects I’ll get to help out with and I’m excited to share this new journey with you all!